STEP Turns 1!

In April 2023, STEP made its debut with the mission of helping companies level up their marketing.

It’s been a true privilege to work with brands and leaders across a variety of industries, including: footwear and apparel, home decor, jewelry, cannabis, music, automotive, and transportation.

Together we’ve created content and websites, launched products and channels, and increased revenue and profits. And through it all, we’ve had lots of fun!

As we close the chapter on a transformative first year, here are some things in the plan for year-two:

1. Make some noise 

Starting with a fresh new website and blog.

2. Find new problems to solve

Continue to take on new clients and address emerging market needs (e.g., creating tailored corporate training and support programs to develop internal capabilities).

3. Rally the troops

Build-out the network of experts and doers to do more for more. 

4. Pay it forward

Give back through mentorship, knowledge-sharing, and meaningful pro bono work. 

5. Have fun

"Fun is one of the most important - and underrated - ingredients in any successful venture. If you're not having fun, then it's probably time to call it quits and try something else." - Richard Branson 

As STEP celebrates its first anniversary, a mega thank you to our valued clients and partners for joining on this incredible journey. Here's to another year of discovery and growth! 🎉

About The author

Richard is founder of STEP MARKETING and faculty lecturer at Concordia University’s John Molson School Business in Montreal.

After 15+ years of growing multimillion dollar e-commerce businesses and creating integrated marketing campaigns for leaders in CPG and retail, Richard created STEP MARKETING to help businesses at all stages scale their digital performance and drive profitable growth.

Richard’s been an invited speaker at dozens of business conferences across North America and has co-authored publications in peer-reviewed journals, namely the Journal of Business Research and the Journal of Behavioral Decision Making.


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